
Harpsong Concerten
over Leven met de Aarde
m.i.v. augustus 2020+2021.
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(Programma van 2020 onder).

PROGRAMMA Harpsongs 2020 2021 Plus Alle Teksten
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PROGRAMMA Harpsongs 2020 Plus Alle Teksten
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The MAGIC of MUSIC, Universal Harpsongs
27 songs, 78 mins

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CD LYRICS MAGIC Of MUSIC Universal Harpsongs CD And 10 Concerts 1 Sep 3 Nov 2019
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some lyrics



© Marja de Jong: HAPPY BIRTHDAY audio

Even though you have your birthday only once a year,
Ev'ry day you're born anew, I hope this clue is clear.
Gratefully receiving presents on a daily base,
I'm wishing you happiness, patience and love on your way...
Home, on your way-ee-ay-ee-ay home.Choose the Light,
Home is where the heart is.
Happy birthday to you!


  Free download of Kom in mijn dromen. Listen by clicking the link:

free download CD 'Dec 2012' track 11 Kom in mijn dromen, w&m ©marjadejong, easy listening style.

© Marja de Jong:
KOM IN MIJN DROMEN sung in Dutch

Come to me in my dreams
Grant me your clear, vivid shine
And when you'd get here
Then we can be profoudnly together

Come to me in my dreams
Give me your love and light
And when you'd get here
Then I'd look at your gentle and open face

My heart rejoyces
Now that you have arrived
Ah, how I looked forward to this
I feel loved, loved and known (rep)

Come to me in my dreams
And make my days festally.
For, when you get here
To me, it will be like you have always been here.

(English translation and original Dutch both by © Marja de jong)

Kom naar me toe in mijn dromen.
Gun me je heldere schijn.
En als je bij me bent aangekomen
kunnen we zo, kunnen we zo,
Weer eens helemaal samen zijn.

Kom naar me toe in mijn dromen.
Schenk me je liefde en licht.
En als je bij me bent aangekomen
kijk ik vanzelf, kijk ik vanzelf,
in je zachte en open gezicht.

Mijn hart maakt een sprong van vreugde
nu jij gekomen bent.
Ach, hoe ik me hierop verheugde!
Ik voel me geliefd, geliefd en gekend. (herh)

Kom naar me toe in mijn dromen
en maak mijn dagen een feest.
Want als je bij me bent aangekomen
is het voor mij, is het voor mij,
of je hier altijd bent geweest.

We would be happy to know if you enjoyed listening.

© Marja de Jong:
TOURDION sung in French

As I dance under the sky, my friends, everything goes round, round.
As I dance under the sky, oh, life is beautiful! 
Let's sing and dance, that gives plenty of joy on earth.
Let's sing and dance, my friends, oh, it's good!

As I pray from my heart, my friends, everyrhing is shining, shining.
As I pray from my heart, oh, life is blooming! 
Let's sing and pray, that gives plenty of peacy on earth.
Let's sing and pray, my friends, oh, it's good!

(English translation and original French both by © Marja de jong)

Quand je danse sous le ciel, amis, tout tourne, tourne.
Quand je danse sous le ciel, oh, la vie est belle!
Chantons et dansons, ça donne plein de joie sur terre.
Chantons et dansons, mes amis, oh, c'est bon

Quand je prie de mon coeur, amis, tout brille, brille.
Quand je prie de mon coeur, oh, la vie fleurit!
Chantons et prions, ça donne plein de paix sur terre.
Chantons et prions, mes amis, oh, c'est bon


© Marja de Jong:

My songs have wings of Light,
And they know a way to find you.
My songs are sweet, invite you
to free the Sound inside you.
Rush now, my song, unfold to
the hearts that long to hold you.

© Marja de Jong: BEAUTIFUL GARDEN, part.

Our heart is a beautiful garden
Where Love will meet us all.
We dwell in this beautiful garden,
As golden Lights will call.

© Marja de Jong:

(Little nightingale, working hard while singing, smiling each day, that is as easy as falling off a log!) 

Rossignolet du bois, rossignolet du bois,
travailler sans trêve,
chanter la joie de vivre avec le coeur léger,
sourire à chaque jour,
c'est simple comme bonjour,
simple comme bonjour! AUDIO

© Marja de Jong:

All around this radiant light
That brightens up all life.
It’s such a wondrous sight.

Beautiful! With awe we gaze upon this grace.
Beautiful! This fair amazing grace!

Our thankful heart
Is light and bright as we belong.
Our thankful heart
Still sings this heav’nly song.

© Marja de Jong:

(In my heart I see a sea, rhythmically waving like the tide.)

In mijn hart zie ik een zee die ritmisch golft als het getij.
Telkens stroomt er liefde mee
             die banden schept voor jou, voor mij.
’t Zachte ruisen is als fluist’ren in een gouden, zilten taal.
Als je luistert hoor je ’t helder. Dit verstaan we allemaal.

© Marja de Jong:

As our eyes are glowing,
Are glowing in the dark,
Angels too are showing,
Are showing us a spark
Of harmonising music […].

Just follow in the footsteps,
The footsteps of the souls
That long for Light,
The Light of Love…
Embrace us all.

© Marja de Jong: ADAM LAY YBOUNDEN, lyrics.

Adam lay ybounden, bounden in a bond, 4000 winters he thought was not too long. All was for an apple, apple that he took, as the scribes have written, written in the Holy Book. Had the apple not been taken, Adam had not brought up sin, Mary would not be our lady, had not been our heavenly queen! Blessed be the time that the apple taken was. Therefore we are singing "Deo gratias". AUDIO

Old macaronic English: Adam lay i-bowndyn, bowndyn in a bond, Fowre thowsand wynter thowt he not to long. And al was for an appil, an appil that he tok. As clerkes fyndyn wretyn in here book.  Ne hadde the appil take ben, the appil taken ben, Ne hadde never our lady a ben hevene quen. Blyssid be the tyme that appil take was! Therefore we mown syngyn Deo gracias!






































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